Ways to Help

Shop Amazon

you shop. Amazon gives

When you shop on Amazon Smile and select 2gether wii can! inc. as your charity of

choice, 0.5% of what you spend will be donated to our mission.

Shop our Amazon Wishlist for the items we need!

2gether wii can inc. AMAZON WISHLIST


volunteers can help company matching programs

2gether wii can! inc. always needs warm hearted, compassionate individuals who are able to offer some time in exchange for a child’s smile, an adult’s appreciation or simple thanks.

A number of companies have a dual method of encouraging volunteerism:

  1. They match their employees’ volunteers’ hours with an hourly allocation of funding for the not–for–profit organization.
  2. And match their employees’ donations on a dollar for dollar basis.

This is a great way to leverage your contribution just by doing what you are already doing!

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